2 1/2" wide and 8 1/8" tall.
Thick glass candle enclosure / scented
Candle is dressed with oils and glitter. Extra Strong Triple Action St. Jude Fast Luck Money Drawing Candle
There is no problem so perplexing for which St. Jude Thaddeus, "Patron of Difficult Cases" cannot find a solution, thereby bringing joy and gladness to you. I call on thee to do justice for me at all times. I believe in you, Saint Jude in the name of the father son and holy ghost and that you will judge me in need of my request. Amen.
Say your request and make the sign of the cross.
O God, through you blessed apostle, judge you have brought us knowledge of your name, grant then, that through him we may advance in good works upon finding ourselves in difficult situations.
Write your petition to Jesus and St. Jude on parchment paper and place it under your candle. Anoint it every 24 hours with three drops of St. Jude Oil. May Jesus and St. Jude bless you always. Amen.
Most Holy apostle St. Jude the church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless causes. Help me now in my tribulations and sufferings: (make your requests). I am bound to this earthly life with all its disappointments but with your assistance may I praise God with you forever. Lead me to the path of the joys and fulfillment promised by the Lord. Amen.